
时间:2015-04-21  来源: 打印

定于2015424日下午15:00-17:00在地球环境研究所11楼视频会议室举办第22TSI气溶胶论坛。论坛邀请到了Aerodyne Research 公司副总Dr. Douglas R. Worsnop做题为Atmospheric Aerosol, Air Quality and Climate Change的报告。



Atmospheric aerosol continues to contribute the largest uncertainty to predicting future global warming and climate change according to the latest IPCC 2013 report. At the same time, correlation of aerosol loading and human mortality remains the strongest evidence for anthropogenic air pollution health effects. In the 21st century, increasing aerosol loading in Asia is degrading air quality even as decreasing emissions in North America and Europe are leading to measurable improvements in air quality. These issues will be discussed in terms of fundamental aerosol chemistry and microphysics – and their measurement and observation, with an emphasis on results from application of applied atmospheric mass spectrometry.


Douglas R. Worsnop received his PhD in chemistry from Harvard University (1982); was a Humboldt Fellow in Physics at the University of Freiburg, Germany; joined Aerodyne Research, outside Boston, in 1985. Now Vice‐President (2000), he also has been FiDiPro Professor of Physics at the University of Helsinki since 2007. A Fellow of AAAS, AGU and AAAR, winner of the Benjamin Liu Prize for Aerosol Instrumentation (AAAR), the Yoram Kaufmann Award for Unselfish Cooperation in Research (AGU), and the Fuchs Memorial Award (IARA) for outstanding research in aerosol science, he has over 350 publications in chemical kinetics and aerosol chemistry, specializing in laboratory and field studies of

heterogeneous interactions of gases and aerosol particles.





