Jianhui He

TIME: 2015-06-09  SOURCE: PRINT

                  Jianhui He

     Jianhui He , male, born in 1974, Ph.D., Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "one hundred people plan". A post doctoral research at University of Birmingham and Hong Kong Polytech University in the uk. At present, it is mainly engaged in the research of chemical characteristics of aerosol, especially in different sources and atmospheric gases and aerosols. The chemical characteristics of different chemical species (such as carbonyl compounds, volatile organic compounds, water soluble organic matter and carbon isotope (13C/12C) and the characteristics of the chemical characteristics of the different chemical species, such as carbonyl compounds, volatile organic compounds, water soluble organic compounds and carbon isotope (), were studied. In the field of atmospheric chemistry, aerosols have 15 years of research experience, published more than 100 papers, the first author SCI paper 24, SCI reference rate of 2000 times.